Saturday, May 24, 2008

Why is that "" song so damn catchy?

So I suck at keeping these things up. I really do. BUT I've been inspired. Got some invite from Verve Earth (check out the link on the side of my profile). So I think I'll check back from time to time. Been busy just working and going to school. J and I are in the midst of buying a house. Pretty exciting time.

What's the deal with music lately? I've been trying to immerse myself into the scene, and there's some HORRIBLE shit going down. For instance, Duffy. I caught this video yesterday. I seriously have not heard anything so terrible in quite a while. Katy Perry runs a close second. I'm so sick of the "I'm a female who's a emo/hipster/guitar player/wannabe". And rock isn't getting much better. Are we on a 90's revival? Stone Temple Pilots are getting back together. Presidents of the USA released a new album and are playing the Crawfish Festival. I'm so underwhelmed by what is being put out right now. I've found a few stand outs (Framing Hanley, Panic At The Disco). Hell, Saosin's awesome but their CD is almost 2 years old. Don't even get me started on rap. I'm so over that applebottom jeans boots with tha fur/superman that ho yooooooooooooooooooooou crank dat souja boy. I'm hoping things are going to change soon.

Anyone as over election crap as I am? I feel this is the longest season yet. I don't know. Part of me doesn't even want to vote this year. And that's unusual for me. I'm so apathetic about the whole thing. Hell, moving to an island in the middle of nowhere is getting to be pretty tempting.

My mom contacted me a couple weeks back. Just wanted to let me know her and my step dad are divorcing over money issues. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. I honestly don't know why. Its a hard thing to go through. *shrug* I talked to her for a bit and was going to call her later that day....but I just did not feel like it. I don't want to go through all that crap again. Its easier to just step back. Stay away.

I've been thinking about children a lot lately. I know I've always been anti-children. Its going to be practically impossible for me to get pregnant in the first place. I guess its always been easier to just say I don't want to try than to put myself through the heartbreak. I refuse to try fertility drugs or in vitro (I don't want a litter. I'm not a fucking dog). J says we'll adopt. But its not that easy. I guess we'll see.

Apparently Harvey Weinstein is partnering with Jim Henson productions to make a live action "Fraggle Rock" movie. Um, anyone else see the possible train wreck of this? A lot of the remakes from my childhood have been less than stellar. Sure, Transformers was entertaining and all, but Michael Bay is not the best choice for directing. He was lucky on that one. I don't know. I guess Hollywood is getting like the music industry and running out of ideas. So they turn to the remake. Its pathetic.

And as always, videos. Please to enjoy.