Thursday, August 30, 2007 my world. Be afraid.


I feel rather "behind the times" since I am JUST now signing up for a blog. Yeah...I've posted on myspace. But its become a bore to me now. Like a child who has grown tired of her shiny new toy. I even tried Facebook......yet to be annoyed and bored. So here I am gracing the intraweb with my little touch of fabulousness. Ha.

A bit about me:

-I'm 28. Born and raised in Pensacola, FL. I've always seen life outside the Sunshine state for myself. 2 1/2 years ago I FINALLY did it. I moved away for the last time. took me a couple times to get it right. Its the best thing I could have ever done.

-I live here with my boyfriend....or whatever. I hate the term boyfriend cause it sounds so causal. It evokes images that we've only been together for a few months and gladly tolerate each other till something better comes along. And he's definitely not my fiance' (oh you'll get acquainted with that later on). Anyhow..we have a house in Murfreesboro. *for those not familiar with Tennessee, its just east of Nashville* We have a dog who is the poster child, crack. I think she has a perma stash somewhere in our house. She's 12 pounds of amped up energy...kind of like Nicole Ritchie.

-I am a sometime cosmetology student. Sometime, you ask? Well I've been one for not going to school. TOTALLY out of character for me. Unfortunately we've had some "changes" I've not been too keen on. "Why not switch schools?" Oh...if only life were that simple. Not only do I have to pay present school almost $8000 to release my hours, I'd have to pay new school another $17,000. I just don't have that kind of money. I honestly don't have any money. Ha ha.

-Said boyfriend/whatever (referred to as J from here on out) is in Iraq. Voluntarily. Don't get me started.

-I have a messed up family life. My mother and I don't speak. It used to cause me all sorts of problems, but thanks to supportive friends and medication, it doesn't bother me anymore. And that should bother me....but it doesn't.

-I'm an emotional train wreck. Its been the downfall of many relationships. I can't help it. One thing is for will ALWAYS know how you stand with me.

-I hate women but love them at the same time. I think females are some of the most beautiful creatures God himself created. I hate the fact that they are some of the most backstabbing, superficial, brutal, hypocritical, stupid hoors alive.

-I hate gossip. I despise it. I won't stand for it. But...I'm OBSESSED with celebrity gossip. I could not tell you why. I guess cause its people I don't know. Perez Hilton and TMZ are visited by me frequently throughout the day.

- I love pin ups...almost to the point of obsession. I think I was born in the wrong era. No, I'm not some stupid hipster... A lot of my older friends refer to my as an "old soul".

-I also love tattoos. I have six. Four were done in a six month period. I like to look at other people's ink as well. Not a big fan of the barbed wires, butterflies, and hearts. And you will NEVER see me with some guys initials on matter how good he hit it.

-I love music..but can't play an instrument. I have a pretty wide music collection. I always enjoy adding new bands to my Ipod's rotation.

-I'm a nerd at heart. I like technology. I like research. I play video games. I'm also turned on by muscle cars. Something about horsepower...hearing an engine growl. Gets my panties moist.

Well...that's all I can think to tell you for now. Feel free to ask anything you wish. Remember to tip your bartender's and waitresses. Till next time....

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