Friday, August 31, 2007

Another sleepless night.....

Merriam-Webster Dictionary define's insomnia as " prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep".

That's me. For the past 2 months, I've been unable to get a good night's rest. I take that back. For about 5 years, I haven't been able to do it. Oh sure...there have been many nights I've come home and passed out from either over indulgence in alcohol or cold medication...but I don't really count those nights. The day after always proved to be "hangover" day.

I've tried just about everything. Cutting back on caffiene...refraining from heavy meals...Even cutting back *gasp* LIQUOR!!! to no avail. My doctor has pretty much begged me to go on Ambien. I tell him no fuckin way. I don't want another pill to take. I want to know WHY I'm not sleeping. Why my brain refuses to slow down for me to get at least 6 hours of sleep. Hell, even when I do go to sleep, my dreams are so vivid and adventerous, I wake up feeling more exhausted than when I went to bed.

Tonight is no different. I had a pretty uneventful day. I went up to school to make sure I could take back the withdrawal form I put in...went and got my nails done...and did some highlights for J's mom. That took awhile. Woman has alot of hair. My feet and all were pretty tired when I was done. I came home...checked my email....and decided to go to bed. I fluffed my pillows, replaced my comforter, set the AC down low, and layed down. And stared at the ceiling. *blink blink* *blink blink* I ran through my mind the next four days. Why? I wish I knew. Cookie came and flopped on me wanting a belly rub. I obliged. I felt my eyes getting heavy. I rolled over (I'm a side sleeper) and.......stared at the wall.

I got up and decided to finish reading the book J wrote. As I was reading, I started getting sleepy. Not that the story was boring.....reading relaxes me. I finished the manuscript and threw it down and turned out the light. Nothing.

I get up and come to the computer. I pulled up Craigslist...same stupid sheeple bitching about tipping, black people, Jesus, and the government. I decided to pull up Perez's website. Mmm....celeb gossip is enough to get me in the mood for sleep. I click on the link and..........NO PAGE!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Very funny up there.....Veeeeeery funny indeed. Touche', God.

So apparantly Perezzer's site is down. And that makes O face sad. *pout* Yeah yeah yeah. Its my party and I'll cry if I want to.

As if this blog isn't punishment enough to's one of my favorite videos:

I think I was a tranny in a past life. Go figure.

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