Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sick sad world...

I'm a sad girl tonight. I took out the labret piercing. I just recently accepted a position at the new Belk's opening in the Avenue in October. *sigh* I have to play the corporate game..which means taking out the piercing and hiding the tattoos. I feel miserable already. I attempted a horseshoe ring....but it wouldn't stay in. I finally just gave up. *pout*

I'm pushing really hard to get into the Paul Mitchell school. I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope it happens. Just waiting to hear about financial aid. I guess it all comes down to whether or not GCI releases my hours. I have a feeling I'm going to be fighting them on this. Not to worry. They'll get theirs in the form of a nice little visit with State Board...possibly even lawyers. They've violated some rules. Hee hee. Go down in flames, bitches! Ugh. A school run by complete and total douchebag scum.

J is really trying to come home for good in January. Only thing is..he'll be going back out on a truck. Just what he was trying to avoid by going over to Iraq in the first place. Yay me. It's getting really hard to be a single taken girl.

I am sure EVERYONE (save a few people living in caves) has seen the whole Britney Spears debacle Sunday night. I was hopped up on pain killers and it sucked. I thought at first I was hallucinating. Why am I writing about this? I don't know. I guess it shows how much we suck as a culture. This girl went to the top FAST. And now we just wait till she hits rock bottom and tries to dig her way back to the top. We watch expectantly....glands salivating...rubbing our hands together. And I'm one of the worst. I absolutely hated her music. Hated everything about her. She was a robot for the corporate world. They've taken what they needed and tossed her aside like a skeezy hooker. Well...yeah. I have a feeling next year or two she'll be making a HUGE showing on the "county fair" circuit. It's pathetic really. I actually find myself feeling sorry for her. Poor retarded country girl given insane amounts of money and fame. OF COURSE she's going to go crazy and marry some loser and have 2 kids and shave her head and get drugged on supposedly one of the biggest nights of her career. Where am I going with this you ask? *sigh* I wish I knew. I guess I've lost my faith in humanity as a whole. I mean, we can't even support our own people out there fighting a war that's not their choice. Do I agree with what's going on in Iraq? No. These are people who have known nothing but oppression. How the hell is democracy going to work for them? They can't stop blowing each other up for chrissakes'. Hell...we don't even have democracy right. And we've been "practicing" it for over 200 years. Feh. Regardless of how you feel, those are our men and women over there. Doing what they're told. Support them. Let's stop spitting in each other's faces, shall we?

Well...I have rambled on enough tonight. I'm ending on this note....The Soup made their own video in answer to Chris Crocker's plea to leave Britney alone. Can you believe this guy? He's a little mental...Anyhoo...Please to enjoy... Till next time..

Seth Green Chris Crocker Outtakes

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should totally do my hair.